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False allegations of domestic violence hurt caring fathers

On Behalf of | Dec 17, 2019 | Family Law

Domestic violence is a real problem that affects countless families. Whenever someone makes a false report of abuse, it undermines the issue for people who are truly affected, as well as harms those who are falsely accused. Feelings of betrayal, hurt and injustice often haunt the wrongfully accused. You may want to learn about your options if you have been falsely accused by your spouse of abusing your family. 

Women, as well as men, can be abusive. However, fathers are usually the ones who lose visitation and parenting rights when their spouses accuse them of domestic violence. This is to protect partners and children who are being abused.

Unfortunately, sometimes spouses realize they can work the system to their advantage by falsely telling authorities that their partners have harmed – or threatened to harm – them or their children. Verywell Mind explains that false domestic violence accusations often happen for the following reasons: 

  • The accusing spouse hopes to gain full custody of the children and restrict the other parent from having visitation rights. 
  • One spouse wishes to get revenge on the other after an argument by causing embarrassment and undermining the accused’s partner’s credibility. 
  • The accusing spouse mistakenly believes that an argument qualifies as domestic violence.

Often, the courts will immediately grant the accusing spouse full custody of the children while a temporary protective order is issued, especially if the accuser is the mother. The accused spouse may also be locked out of the home and unable to access personal belongings.

Being wrongly accused of something as serious as domestic violence can wreak havoc on the life of an innocent spouse. Such situations require experienced counsel. If you need help defending against false allegations of domestic violence, contacting an experienced family law attorney to discuss your situation is an important first step.
