Do Your Child Support Orders Need To Be Modified?

Life changes after a divorce or after unmarried parents break up, and the needs of the children will change as well. When a significant change of circumstances occurs, it is often necessary to modify existing child support orders.

If you need legal guidance for a child support modification or any family law matter, including divorce, in North Carolina, the attorneys at Ellis Family Law, P.L.L.C., are here for you. With law offices in Durham and Pittsboro, we serve clients in Durham, Chatham, Orange, Wake, Granville, Alamance and Person counties who are facing sensitive family law issues.

Factors That Warrant A Modification

There are many reasons changes to child support orders may be necessary. Some of the most common factors include:

  • Changing needs of the child, such as for medical or educational needs
  • A significant change in the paying parent’s income
  • A change in physical custody of the child
  • The end of the support obligation for one child, when there are multiple children included in the support order

Some child support modifications go smoothly and are agreed upon by both parents. In some cases, however, one spouse may believe a modification is warranted to the strong objection of the other.

Our attorneys have significant experience handling both sides of this issue. If you are seeking a modification or your child’s other parent is seeking one you don’t feel is fair or needed, we can provide you with the strong, attentive representation you need.

Handling All Child Support And Family Law Matters

Our lawyers can address all your family law needs, including changes to child support orders. To reach our law offices, please contact us online or by telephone at 919-944-4811.